Our First Trade Show! IECSC LV 2022
The Belfiore Herbal team has the wonderful opportunity to showcase our brand at the 2022 International Esthetics, Cosmetics & Spa Conference (IECSC) in Las Vegas!

We had the chance to meet so many wonderful people - professionals from all industries and all walks of life.

This was our first professional conference as the Belfiore Herbal team, so it was not without hiccups, but we were able to lean on our collective pharmaceutical and science industry experience to keep things moving!

Our biggest take away from talking to attendees and other companies is actually our new found love with partnering with aestheticians and spa industry professionals. Rohit will be working diligently to build out some of the discussed partnerships.

All-in-all we are really looking forward to the next show, and to meet more beauty experts ! Catch us at Face & Body in San Jose in August 2022.